Each of us has the right and the responsibility to assess the roads which lie ahead, and those over which we have traveled, and if the future road looms ominous or unpromising, and the roads back uninviting, then we need to gather our resolve and, carrying only the necessary baggage, step off that road into another direction. -Maya Angelou

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Min Dae Schoenies

Sadness. Looking down the trail I realize again my time here is drawing to a close. The walk on the beach today was lonely without the dogs. I miss them so much. Leo and Robbie barking joyfully at the sight of the sea and trying to catch the gulls wheeling overhead. The sight of Boo and Coco racing across the sand towards us,the white flash on their foreheads and black button noses making them look like flying exclamation marks. Even fossicking for sea glass and the blue and white shards of pottery from the wreck of the Sacramento holds little joy today. Schoenies is a special place of space and light which resonates with peace. It has been so much a part of my life and I will carry it in my heart always wherever I go.
Charles Holing has painted a beautiful view for us from the bluff where Tommy and I got married, looking west towards what we have named "Blue Feather Bay". It will evoke so many happy memories for us whenever we look at it.
The house is chaos with piles of books and boxes scattered over the floors, pictures and paintings propped up against walls, carpets rolled and cupboard doors open disgorging their contents. All is mess. The packers come in next week and then the house will be empty and ready for the new family. It makes me glad to think that the walls will soon ring with the happy laughter of children and barking dogs again. This home Chocolat needs to be filled.
Our new adventure beckons and we will be "down under" in a few weeks time. I am now an official aussie" sheila" my visa for permenant residency came yesterday........shall have to put off the solar topee and don the hat with corks but even that will not deter those damn antipodean flies ......thank the Lord for Aeroguard!
There are so many recipes I could attach to this last letter from Schoenies, Tommy's Oxtail is a legend on its own, roast potatoes and Malva pudding from Sunday lunch at The Soul Food Kitchen. Home made fresh spinach and ricotta raveoli with sage butter from the Italian Evenings but perhaps it is best to go back to where it all started...........Cream Teas at the weekends with Susie's Scones. I have had too many requests for these to ignore.
Whenever I make these scones I will be transported back to happy times, friendly faces, and whale watching from the deck.
Good bye Schoenies " A longing fulfilled is sweet to the soul" You have been to mine.

Susies Scones
Make a lot, you can never eat just one, especially when topped with whipped cream and strawberry jam!

8oz self raising flour
1 teaspoon baking powder
pinch of salt.
2 oz butter
1 tablespoon caster sugar

Sift dry ingredients and rub in butter. Sprinkle in tablespoon caster sugar and add enough milk to make a soft dough. Roll out gently and not too thin, you want puffy scones! Cut and place on baking sheet. Sift over tops a little flour.Bake in a preheated oven 190C .for approx 12-15 mins. Best served fresh and warm but they also freeze well.
(Omit sugar and add 1 teaspoon of cayenne pepper and a some fresh chopped herbs, parsley, thyme and marjoram work well, and add 2 oz grated strong cheese to the mixture before rolling out for delicious savory scones.)